Stationary Vessel Spiral Mixer
The spiral dough kneading machine, compared to
the other classic dough vessels is time saving and is
preferred by most bakeries and confectioneries.
At the same time the mixer gives you a
homogeneous mixture of the dough making the
volume of the bread bigger.
The machine can be used in automatic or manual
form, it also contains two timers.
The vessel, spiral arm and the cutting knife are all
made from stainless steel. The vessel can also be
turned in the opposite direction.
The machine works silently because of the belt drive
system that it possesses.
There is a tap on the top part of the vessel mainly
used as the water input source.
An optional dough hotness sensor unit can be fixed
on the mixer if needed.
30, 45, 60, 50, 75, KG FLOUR CAPACITY
It has small capacity mixer. Production time 3-7 days.
Color options are also available.