I would like to introduce Masood Textile Mills Ltd., leading manufacturer and exporter of mlange yarn of knitted and weaving industry. We are one of the vertical set up in Pakistan based on 100% exports to world markets. For further information, please visit our website
Masood Textile Mills Ltd., have vast experience in Spinning of yarns, having two unit of Mlange yarn and one Open End yarn unit, equipped with state of the art machinery. Mlange unit have over 41, 000 spindles installed with Slub, Space Dyed, Nappy Heather machines to produce various fashion articles focusing the rapidly changing trends. Our Research & Development division is working to add new concepts and techniques to meet industry requirements.
Masood Textile Mills Ltd., have own cotton dyeing facilities give competitive edge to provide consistent colors shade. Latest doubling machines of Volkmann (Germany) gives another advantage to provide double yarn for sweater industry. We can produce the Ne 10/1 to 40/1 with Cotton and Cotton/ Polyester & various blends according to customer requirements. Below are product list we can offer
Mlange yarn suitable for knitting and weaving- Regular Mlange yarn, Double Mlange Yarn, Fancy, Slub, Injected Slub, Chain Yarn etc.
100% cotton double yarn raw white, suitable for towel, sweaters
Zero Twist Yarn with Chinese PVA for towels.
Recylced Open End yarn