SOYBEANS (GLYCINE): Soybeans or soya-beans (glycine max), is a special of legume native to East Asia, which is widely grown for it edible bean, which has numerous uses. Soybeans contain hormone-like substances called phytoestrogens that mimic the action of the hormone oestrogen and have been associated with beneficial health effects. Consuming soybean-based food may help to reduce the risk of various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, Coronary health disease (CHD), some cancers and improve bone health.
1. Source of vitamins IQ, minerals, and Antioxidants. One ounce of soy nut deliverers all the vitamins and mineral needed for one day. Two ounce of soy nuts provide 26% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K, which benefits heart health and blood function. Soy nuts are good source of folic acid, which is important for the development of the fetus, making them an excellent snack for pregnant women. Soy nut are high in anti-oxidant, omega and omega 6 fatty acids, which encourage health cells and allow them to combat the oxidation process.
2. Aid in Weight Loss;
Because soy nuts are high in protein, they may aid with weight loss increase protein consumption, may boost metabolism and satiety, resulting in weight reduction.
3. Promote Heart Health;
Soy nuts may reduce risk factors for heart disease y reducing cholesterol levels, soy nut include fibre, protein and alpha-linolenic acid which may help keep your heart healthy. Soy nuts are high in potassium and magnesium, these two nutrient are in charge of the blood pressure regulation, especially lowering blood pressure.
4. Promote Bone Health;
Isoflavones from soy nuts may help strengthen the bones and prevent against Osteoporosis. Genistein and other isoflavones found in soy nuts have been demonstrated in studies to increase bone mineral density in post menopausal women. According to a review study, taking 90mg of soy inflavones daily for at least six months improved bone mineral density in menopausal women, according to study soy nuts enhance inflavone levels more than supplement.