Urea is used in agriculture for the main application and foliar top dressing of various crops on all types of soils. In addition, it is a component for the manufacture of other types of fertilizers.
With foliar top dressing, urea does not burn the leaves and is absorbed by them without decomposition. Nitrogen can be detected in the composition of plant protein within two days after spraying.
Fertilizer is recommended to be used in cases of weak development of crops, small inflorescences, shedding of ovaries, etc.
Urea has the following advantages:
promotes the set of vegetative mass;
it dissolves quickly in water without sediment formation;
does not stick, has good dispersion;
increases protein content in cereals and other crops;
does not lead to the accumulation of nitrates (when using the correct dosage);
it is a means of pest control, prevents their reproduction.