Protective coveralls with taped seams are made of PROTECT LIVE hydrophilic membrane and are designed to protect people from hazardous substances or to protect against human contamination of matirials sensetive to external influences products and technlogical processes in especially clean production conditions. The density of the combos: 75g/m2. High level of barrier protection against dangerous dry dust and water-based chemicals. Protection agains the effect of aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis at a concentration of 30-40% and a pressure of up to 0, 12 bar. Protection against solid particles with size of 2 microns. Corresponds to type 5 and 6 according to the classification of protective clothing. Smooth exterior (low pile separation), which allows for use in clean room. Electrostatic protection. It is resistant to abrasion, does not contain silicone, passes air and steam. It is not used during surgical operations and in other medical premises with semilar requirements. Do not undergo the sterilization procedure before use.