Repurpose your existing turbine generator to a 100% Sustainable Zero Carbon Emission High Speed Quantum Drive 30, 000+ Inch Drive. Climate Change Compliant. Act Today To Reduce Global Warming 11 week Changeover Period Repurpose 1 or All Generators.
Quantum Fiziks Offers 100% Sustainable Turbine Drive Technology To The Open Market Suitable for repurposiong existing fossil fuel driven trubines or new plant development 100% Environmentally Safe, No EPA or No WPA Restrictions. The Quantum Drive Enables High Speed Generation with 30, 000+ Inch Pounds of Drive Straight Coupling Connection To existing or advanced field generators 5 MWe - 2GWe+.
The Quantum Drive can be connected to any generator confuration average conversion time approx 11 weeks 7 weeks planning 4 weeks onsite. approx 36 hrs or less of downtime. 100% Climate Change Compliant. Cooling Tower Options Available.
The Average Repurposing Cost Approx $1 Million Per Generator
New plant 24GWe+ $64 Million approx 3000 M2