Chinese jujube red dates dried jujubes
Nutrient ingredients: Chinese gelatinered jujube are quite rich in Protein, Calcium, Vitamin C, Iron which are highly demanded by human body.
Character: Superior quality, equal size, dark red, tastes juicy and sweet.
Origin: Origin from Xinjiang, China which is the best place for plant jujube in the world, where there is Plenty of sunshine & pure mountain water.
Functions: Nourish blood for women; Maintain beauty and keep young; Anti-cancer; Improving muscular strength and weight; Improve the body's immune function; Prevent liverdiseases; Soothe the nerves; Anti-allergy.
Uses: Chinese red jujube can be used as fruit, snack, Chinese traditional medicine, also can be used to make soup, breads, cake, candy, compote and jam.
Sayings: Eating three jujube everyday you will always stay young; Chinese jujube is regarded as the Kind of Fruit.