The GSM GPRS 3G 4G Cellular M2M IoT RTU S270 is wireless internet of things device, is an industrial class, high reliability, high stability, and programmable Remote Terminal Unit (RTU). It embedded 32-Bit High Performance Microprocessor MCU, inbuilt industrial Cellular module. It provides 2/4/8 digital inputs, 2/4/6 analog or PT100 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) inputs, 2/4 relay outputs, 1 ambient sensor input for monitoring onsite temperature and humidity. It can monitoring and operates the I/O ports by SMS, APP, Web Server, internet, timers and programmed inter-lock events automatically.
The S27x Celluar M2M IoT RTU is a multi-functional telemetry terminal that combines data acquisition control and wireless remote transmission, supporting the latest Cloud Platform and most SCADA and OPC Servers.
The S27x Celluar M2M IoT RTU Widely used in BTS, unmanned rooms, highway bridges, natural disaster warning monitoring, pump control, sewage treatment, meteorological environment, oilfield pipelines, smart farming, smart agriculture and other applications. Supports SMS, GPRS, 3G, 4G Lte Cellular Networks. Compatible Modbus TCP and MQTT IoT Protocols and can intergrate to the KPIIOT IoT Cloud Platform and OPC, SCADA and MES systems to build an industiral IoT Solution.